교통사고 후유증 회복에 도움이 되는 음식

2016. 9. 1. 18:56가칭: 교통사고 지키미-집필중/어떻게 치료하는 것이 최선인가?

교통사고 후유증 회복에 도움이 되는 음식

A trained nutritionist can advise you on the right foods to aid your recovery from whiplash. Your injury has damaged muscle tissue and therefore that tissue needs to be rebuilt. Wheat-germ contains vitamin E and B, vital for rebuilding tissue and also containing magnesium which has relaxing properties that will ease the stiffness in your neck. Supporting your body with the right nutrition by eating foods such as nuts, oats, muesli, green vegetables and sunflower seeds will provide you with plenty of vitamins, fatty acids and magnesium to aid your recovery

출처: http://www.gotosee.co.uk/healtharticles/2008/11/natural-cures-for-whiplash/

밀배아(맥아), 땅콩, 귀리, 뮤즐리, 녹색야채, 해바라기씨

Below are some nutrients known to help the body to recover from injuries, including whiplash injuries.

VITAMIN C is necessary for collagen formation, an important substance in connective tissue and scars. Thus, Vit C plays a vital role in tissue repair. Moreover, Vit C helps to strengthen blood vessel walls and thus reduces the amount of bruising.

BIOFLAVONOIDS protect from oxidative damage due to tissue damage. They also stabilize capillary walls and thus may help to reduce bruising and swelling of the tissue.

COPPER helps to maintain strong blood vessel walls.

VITAMINS A and D play important roles in building and maintaining strong and healthy bones. Thus they support the healing of bone fractures.

CALCIUM is important for nerve conduction and bone health. Calcium also regulates muscle contraction, helping to reduce muscle pain from inflammation causing muscles to cramp up.

MAGNESIUM helps to relax the muscles, thus supporting the healing process and reducing muscle pain.

VITAMIN B COMPLEX supports energy production in the muscle cells, reducing lactic acid production, and helping to repair injured muscle, as well as connective tissue.

VITAMIN B1 (Thiamine) helps to reduce chronic nerve and bone pain, as well as alleviate headaches.

VITAMIN E is a potent antioxidant that helps to protect from oxidative damage due to tissue injury.

ZINC supports protein synthesis necessary for tissue repair.

D, L-PHENYLALANINE stimulates endorphin production in the brain to decrease pain sensation.

출처:  http://nhp.whitetigernaturalmedicine.com/nutrition/nutrition-whiplash-injuries